City Island Birding Club ?
We are not really a “club” in the strict sense of the term. We don’t collect dues, we don’t have meetings, nor elect officers. We are a group of friendly people who enjoy finding birds here in Pelham Bay Park, and sometimes in other nearby venues. Our walks are non-competitive and casual, inclusive, friendly and social. Our “members” stay for the whole walk or leave when they become tired. There are never any hard feelings and we are not on any kind of mission to make everyone a hard core birder. We enjoy each other’s company and love to be outside, especially during migration. Our walks are mostly scheduled around seasonal bird migrations. Everyone is welcome! New birders are especially welcome.
To become a “member” just send your email address to me, and I will put your name on the distribution list. We are totally non-commercial and your name will not be shared with anyone.
You can watch a birdwalk video here from Bronxnet.

Eastern Kingbird